Apple is no longer one of the 100 best companies in the world to work for

If you were asked what your ideal job is , you already know that you can take a look at the 5 best applications to find a job , perhaps many would choose to talk about hobbies such as soccer or to bring to light childhood dreams, such as being an astronaut .
However, especially in the technology sector , one of the peaks is in the United States in the San Francisco area , where the headquarters of numerous companies are located, such as Apple. Many dreamed of entering their facilities with the identification card in hand, but it seems that the new year has turned the tables in the sector.
Apple and Meta are no longer so loved among their workers
It has been as a result of the report published by Glassdoor that we have known the list of the 100 best places to work in the year 2023 . If previously we had already observed Meta’s drop from position 11 in 2021 to position 47 last year, in this new article it directly leaves the top 100. And the same thing happens to Apple , which went from being in the position 31 in the year 2021, to occupy the 56th place in 2022, to end up disappearing at the beginning of 2023. This website has an evaluation system for each workplace and it seems that it is the workers themselves who leave it in a bad place to both companies.
Of course, it is not necessary to fall into cataloging both companies as bad places to work, but simply there are business cultures in other places that seem to be adapting better to the current market circumstances. Daniel Zhao , an economist at Glassdoor, states that:
Apple has been on the list for the last 15 years, from the beginning of the list. And then Meta has been on the list since 2011, and it’s actually been #1 in the past. This isn’t to say that Apple and Meta are bad places to work, just that they’ve fallen a bit given how competitive the list is this year.
It seems that there are several reasons why the employees of the Cupertino company are not as happy as in the past, starting with the measures that have been taken during the pandemic and also in the months after it. The return to the offices, even if only for a few days a week, does not seem to have permeated among the workers, with statistics showing that more than half of them would be willing to change jobs. In the case of Meta , it seems that the paths are on the side of the company’s management , which seems to have the employees confused, without them knowing what their future will be. layoffs _They, by the way, don’t help either.